Friday, September 18, 2015

Can We Walk on Water

I have been thinking a lot about something this week that I want to share with each of you.  I was having my morning study and was reading about the story of Peter in the new testament,  the story of him walking on water.  I think Peter sort of gets a bad warp in this story.  Meaning that everyone always thinks its about Peter’s lack of faith and we how we need to look to the Savior. 

     I really feel those are valid and great points, but I personally feel the real lesson in this story is not the lack of faith in Peter,  but that Peter had enough faith to try to walk on water when the Savior bid.  We are all lacking in faith and the Savior knows that.  This is the interesting part.  The Savior didn't mock Peter when he sank into the water, the amazing thing is he did what he always does to each of use that are trying and sinking into the waves of life. 

 He, the Savior, held out his hand to Peter, who was lacking in faith, and he, the Savior lifted Peter up to him.   That is the message of this story for me.  No matter what challenges we face in life and no matter what mistakes we make, when we are trying and have the faith to try, even if we are sinking, because we had the faith to try, the Savior always reaches out his hand and lifts us up to him. 

The Savior always makes up the difference.  Between his perfect love and our lack of faith and short comings the Savior lifts us up and strengthens our faith in him. 

 I feel one lesson in this story is that the Savior wants us to understand that even though our faith may be lacking, his is not and he will always lift us up to the task at hand.   I love the Savior.  I love knowing that he is there and his love is perfect as is his understanding.  He knows when we are trying and he always will lift us up to him.   

The amazing part of the story if you think about it is that the Savior didn't let Peter drown or sink in over his head,  but the Savior did let him sink just enough to let Peter know he needed his help.  
The Savior taught Peter and us in this story that even though Peter’s  faith was lacking, as ours often is,  He, the Savior was still be there and always be ready to save us and lift us to higher ground just as he did with Peter. 
      The Savior does not require that our faith is a perfect faith for him to reach out his hand help us, he only requires that we have the desire and put all the effort we can give however lacking it may be into the challenges we face.  The Savior loves us and wants us to come to him even as he bade Peter to come into the rough ocean he bids us to come into rough waters, not to let us sink, but to increase our faith and our understanding that he it there for us and he will always stretch forth his hand to lift us up to him.  And than our understanding will deepen and in the process we come to understand that standing next to the Savior, we can indeed walk on water.

My good friends and brothers,  we face many challenges and obstacles in life, from marriage, addictions, SGA, illness, financial struggles,  and many many more,  but we are not alone and there is always a hand to lift us up,  whether it be the hand of the Savior, or someone he sends your way,  we can rise above the waves and enjoy the feelings of being lifted to higher grounds.   

Love you,  Brad

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