Tuesday, June 20, 2017


We have those days when we feel hopeless and alone.  Life is a cycle at times.  We are down and out sometimes and high and on top other times.  I have learned that the dark times pass if we are consistent in moving forward and fighting the demons we are faced with.

Dark days can come from family issues, healthy issues, work, play, choices we make, and challenges we each face.  No one is exempt from challenges,  it is part of the process of life.  Learning to deal with them and learning to find joy in the journey.

Recently I was in one of those moods, down and out and decided to take a few moments and write what I was feeling.  Life has taught me that down and out does change.  Some times, in fact often times it does seem like it will never change.  When we are in the dark we cannot even dream that there is light ahead.  But light does come and the darkness does flee and we are once again in a good place.

I hope this poem brings you some peace, especially if you struggle in at times.   I hope it helps you to see that light will come and there is a source of light that is there for all to see.


Often life finds me lost
Lost in a sea of regrets and pain
Over come by waves of grief and shame

Waves that  rip my very soul
Pushing me below the surface
So far under I cannot see relief

Lost in massive pains of fear
That fill my heart with deep despair
Leaving me breathless and broken

In my mind past relief or repair
I sink further, deeper into darkness
Consumed with doubt and brokenness

As I sink further down
The weight and frustrations
Cloud my mind and heart and sight

Leaving me alone and frightened
Feeling all is lost and gone
No hope for rescue or even light

The very bottom draws so close
I feel its solidness and endless mass
I yearn to sink even further

Perhaps in the depth
I can hide and be forgotten
Left alone to soak in misery

That quite dark place
Where no one comes
To disturb my aloneness

Will I be rescued or sink deeper
Will someone care or notice
That I am alone, lost past feeling

Is this journey meant to be
For me or anyone
A deep dark lonely endless sea

And yet
There is a glimmer
So very small

That breaks even
The darkest parts
And the deepest depths

A light
That penetrates

It brings peace
Where hope is lost
And darkness reigns

And starts the assent
Almost without notice

Up up up
Out of the darkness
Slowly ever slowly

Light and breathe
Are restored
With added strength

That can only come
From light
That destroys all darkness

His light and love
His grace and mercy
Lift me beyond what I cannot endure alone

I am lifted
Once again
To the calm surface

The waves that raged
The depths so dark and deep
Are now forgotten

As He
With hands of others
Lifts me up

And once again
I see the light
And Feel the peace

And Rejoice
That I am not alone

Written by Brad Petersen

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